Grand Rounds Webinar

Grand Rounds Webinar Series

What Does a TMS Doctor Need to Know About Brain Networks?

Tuesday August 06, 2024 - Tuesday August 06, 2024

This webinar will provide a basic foundation of brain networks and describe how to recognize when a new development in this field is clinically useful.

Past Grand Rounds Webinars

What’s the Secret Recipe? Treating Depression with TMS in the Era of Accelerated Protocols and Functional MRI Targeting

Tuesday July 02, 2024 - Tuesday July 02, 2024

Methods for enhancing the antidepressant effects and treatment efficiency of transcranial magnetic stimulation have advanced rapidly in the past several years, with new FDA-cleared protocols and promising early data. Dr. Trapp will discuss the… Learn More →

The Unique Case of Bipolar Depression and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Tuesday May 07, 2024 - Tuesday May 07, 2024

This webinar will review the management of bipolar depression, and look at peer reviewed literature using TMS to treat bipolar depression.

Electroconvulsive Therapy: How to Make a Highly Effective Treatment More Acceptable

Tuesday April 02, 2024 - Tuesday April 02, 2024

This webinar will describe the history of ECT including its many improvements over more than 80 years, as well as a presentation of recent research that aims to make ECT more acceptable.

Research and Clinical Applications of TMS in Pediatric and Neurodevelopmental Populations

Tuesday March 05, 2024 - Tuesday March 05, 2024

The CDC currently estimates that nearly 1 in 5 children have a developmental or psychiatric disorder; yet evidence-based, targeted treatments for these disorders are lacking.

Controlling Brain State Variability to Optimize rTMS Efficacy

Tuesday February 06, 2024 - Tuesday February 06, 2024

In this presentation, we will explore the pivotal role of brain state variability in influencing basic TMS outcomes like MEP and phosphenes. We will then focus on some clinical applications that used control of state-dependency as a proof of… Learn More →

TMS Documentation: Expert Perspectives

Tuesday January 09, 2024 - Tuesday January 09, 2024

The CTMSS Insurance Committee presents: “TMS Documentation: Expert Perspectives”. In this panel discussion, we will discuss the range of approaches when it comes to documenting TMS sessions. We will explore how the documentation serves multiple… Learn More →

Precision Organizational and Functional Estimates for TMS Targeting

Tuesday December 05, 2023 - Tuesday December 05, 2023

In this presentation, Mark Eldaief, MD will review our project which uses precision MRI methods to delineate cortical networks in the individual at high resolution and to then stimulate specific networks in separate sessions with TMS...

Vagus Nerve Stimulation: What Do We Have When All Treatments Have Failed?

Tuesday November 07, 2023 - Tuesday November 07, 2023

In this presentation, Scott T. Aaronson, MD, DLFAPA, FCTMSS will discuss Vagus Nerve Stimulation. Despite compelling evidence for efficacy, vagus nerve stimulation has languished due to problems with the design of two randomized clinical trials… Learn More →

Neuromodulation for the Traumatized Brain: Modulating Dysfunctional Neural Networks in PTSD

Tuesday October 03, 2023 - Tuesday October 03, 2023

In this presentation, Sandeep Vaishnavi, MD, PhD will discuss the neural networks involved in stress and fear responses thought to be dysfunctional in PTSD. He will review nodes in these networks that could be modulated by TMS. He will then review… Learn More →

The Great Potential of QPS for Optimizing rTMS Outcomes

Tuesday September 05, 2023 - Tuesday September 05, 2023

The presentation will cover a new, emerging method of QPS (Quadripulse Stimulation) that showed higher efficacy in motor cortical plasticity induction than the previous method. This method may solved some of major obstacles in achieving treatment… Learn More →